Prof. Dr.

Hans-Werner Sehring


  • Professur für Software Engineering
  • Studiengangsleiter Wirtschaftsinformatik/IT-Management (M.Sc.)
  • Modellgetriebene Software-Entwicklung
  • Architekturen für evolutionsfreundliche Software-Systeme
  • Knowledge Management durch digitale Medien
  • Automatentheorie und formale Sprachen
  • Einführung in die objektorientierte Programmierung
  • Einführung in die Programmierung
  • Programmierparadigmen
  • Softwaretechnik
  • Seit 2023 Professor für Software Engineering an der NORDAKADEMIE
  • 2020-2023 Unit Lead, Software Architekt und Berater bei der Tallence AG
  • 2015-2020 Solution Architect bei der Namics GmbH / Merkle DACH
  • 2008-2015 Architect Principal bei der T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 1997-2008 Doktorand, Postdoc und technisch-wissenschaftlicher Koordinator an der TU Hamburg-Harburg bzw. der TuTech Innovation GmbH
Akademische Ausbildung:
  • Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Promotion
  • Universität Hamburg, Diplom
  • Universität Passau, Vordiplom


  • Fellow der International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA)
  • Chefredakteur des International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems 

  • Vorsitz des Steering-Komitees der International Conference on Creative Content Technologies

  • Kollaborationspartner des Trustworthy AI Lab, CNRS, Frankreich


Visual Artifacts in Software Engineering Processes Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, Venice, Italy, April 14, 2024 to April 18, 2024, pp. 1-6, 2024.
Model-Supported Software Creation: Extending Model-Driven Software Engineering with Non-Formal Artifacts and Transformations. Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
International Journal on Advances in Software, 17(1&2), pp. 80-89
External Representations of Semantically Rich Content in Complex Systems Using Loose Coupling. Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
International Journal on Advances in Software, 17(1&2), pp. 23-32
Model-supported Software Creation: Towards Holistic Model-driven Software Engineering Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In Proceedings of the 2023 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications, Valencia, Spain, November 13, 2023 to November 17, pp. 113-118
On the Generation of External Representations of Semantically Rich Content for API-driven Document Delivery in the Headless Approach Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, CONTENT 2023, Nice, France, pp. 17-22
On Integrated Models for Coherent Content Management and Document Dissemination Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, CONTENT 2021, Porto, Portugal, pp. 6-11
Architectural Considerations for the System Landscape of the Digital Transformation Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, CONTENT 2020, Nice, France
An Integrated Model for Content Management, Topic-oriented User Segmentation, and Behavioral Targeting Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In International Journal on Advances in Software, 12(3&4), pp. 372-383
Occam’s Razor for Big Data? On Detecting Quality in Large Unstructured Datasets Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; O K Ekseth, M Kurz, J Fesl, S Gohshi, B Dresp-Langley
In Birgitta Dresp-Langley (editor): Applied Sciences 2019, Special Issue on Perception and Communication, 9(15)
An Integrated Model for Content Management, Presentation, and Targeting Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, CONTENT 2019, Venice, Italy
Context-aware Storage and Retrieval of Digital Content: Database Model and Schema Considerations for Content Persistence Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In International Journal on Advances in Software, 11(3&4), pp. 311-322
Schemas for Context-aware Content Storage Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, CONTENT 2018, Barcelona, Spain
Content Structures, Organization, and Processes for Localized Content Management Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In International Journal on Advances in Software, 10(3&4), pp. 211-220
Localized Content Management with the Minimalistic Meta Modeling Language Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, CONTENT 2017, Athens, Greece
On the Integration of Lifecycles and Processes for the Management of Structured and Unstructured Content: A Practical Perspective on Content Management Systems Integration Architecture Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 9(3&4), pp. 363-376
An Overview Over Content Management System Integration Approaches: An Architecture Perspective on Current Practice Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In Proceedings of the Eigth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, CONTENT 2016, Rome, Italy
Content Modeling Based on Concepts in Contexts Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, CONTENT 2011, Rome, Italy, pp. 18-23
Adaptable and Adaptive Visualizations in Concept-oriented Content Management Systems Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In International Journal on Advances in Software, 3(1&2), pp. 265-279
Adaptive Content Visualization in Concept-oriented Content Management Systems Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, CONTENT 2009, Athens, Greece, pp. 659-664
Die Warburg Electronic Library für moderne Kunsthistoriographie: Arbeit mit Materialien und Dokumenten zur Geschichte der Kunstgeschichte im Nationalsozialismus Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; S Bossung; J W Schmidt
In Ruth Heftrig, Olaf Peters, and Barbara Schellewald (editors): Kunstgeschichte im "Dritten Reich". Theorien, Methoden, Praktiken, volume 1 of Schriften zur modernen Kunsthistoriographie, pp. 39-61. Akademie Verlag
Collaborative E-learning Processes in Conceptual Content Management Systems Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; S Bossung; J W Schmidt
In Kinshuk, Demetrios G Sampson, J. M. Spector, and Pedro Isaias (editors): Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2007), Algarve, Portugal, 7-9 December, pp. 397-400. IADIS
An Agile Process for the Creation of Conceptual Models from Content Descriptions Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; S Bossung; Henner Carl; J W Schmidt
In Yannis Ioannidis, Boris Novikov, and Boris Rachev (editors): Proceedings of the 11th East European Conference, ADBIS 2007, Varna, Bulgaria, September 29-October 3, volume 4690 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 114-129. Springer-Verlag
Pattern Repositories for Software Engineering Education Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; S Bossung; P. Hupe; M. Skuasa; J W Schmidt
In Olegas Vasilecas, Johann Eder, and Albertas Caplinskas (editors): Databases and Information Systems IV: Selected Papers from the Seventh International Baltic Conference DB&IS'2006, pp. 40-54. IOS Press
Conceptual Content Management for Pattern-based Software Design: An E-Learning Experience Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; S Bossung; P. Hupe; M. Skuasa; J W Schmidt
In: Proceedings of the Workshop Information Technologies for Business, International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems, Baltic DB&IS 2006, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 3-6
Content is Capricious: A Case for Dynamic System Generation Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; S Bossung; J W Schmidt
Together with S Bossung and J W Schmidt In Yannis Manolopoulos, Jaroslav Pokorný, and Timos K. Sellis (editors): Proceedings of the 10th East European Conference, ADBIS 2006, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 3-7, volume 4152 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 430-445. Springer-Verlag
Open and Dynamic Schema Evolution in Content-intensive Web Applications Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; S Bossung; P. Hupe; J W Schmidt
In Cordeiro, José, Vitor Pedrosa, Bruno Encarnaçãom and Joaquim Filipe (editors): Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2006, Setúbal, Portugal, April 11-13, pp. 109-116. INSTICC Press
Conceptual Content Management for Enterprise Web Services Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; S Bossung; J W Schmidt
In Jacky Akoka, Stephen W. Liddle, Il-Yeol Song, Michela Bertolotto, Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Manuel Kolp, Juan Trujillo, Christian Kop, and Heinrich C. Mayr (editors): Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling: ER 2005 Workshops CAOIS, BP-UML, CoMoGIS, eCOMO, and QoIS, volume 3770 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 343-353. Springer-Verlag
Conceptual Content Management for Software Engineering Processes Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; S Bossung; M. Skusa; J W Schmidt
In Johann Eder, Hele-Mai Haav, Ahto Kalja, and Jaan Penjam (editors): Proceedings of the 9th East European Conference, ADBIS 2005, Tallin, Estonia, September 12-15, volume 3631 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 309-323. Springer-Verlag
Active Learning by Personalization: Lessons Learnt from Research in Conceptual Content Management Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; S Bossung; J W Schmidt
In José Cordeiro, Vitor Pedrosa, Bruno Encarnação, and Joaquim Filipe (editors): Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2005, Miami, Florida, May 22-28, pp. 496-503. INSTICC Press
Beyond Databases: An Asset Language for Conceptual Content Management Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; J W Schmidt
In András Benczúr, János Demetrovics, and Georg Gottlob (editors): Proceedings of the 8th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2004, Budapest, Hungary, September 22-25, volume 3255 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 99-112. Springer-Verlag
Konzeptorientierte Inhaltsverwaltung: Modell, Systemarchitektur und Prototypen Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
Dissertation, Hamburg University of Science and Technology
Conceptual Content Modeling and Management Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; J W Schmidt
In Manfred Broy and Alexandre V. Zamulin (editors): Perspectives of System Informatics, volume 2890 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 469-493. Springer-Verlag
Der Bildindex zur Politischen Ikonographie in der Warburg Electronic Library - Einsichten eines interdisziplinären Projektes Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; J W Schmidt; M Warnke
In Hedwig Pompe and Leander Scholz (editors): Archivprozesse. Die Kommunikation der Aufbewahrung, pp. 238-268. Dumont
Subject-Oriented Work: Lessons Learned from an Interdisciplinary Content Management Project Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; J W Schmidt; M Skusa; Axel Wienberg
In A. Caplinskas and J. Eder (editors): Proceedings of the Fifth East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2001, Vilnius, Lithuania, September 25-28, volume 2151 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 3-26. Springer-Verlag
Subject-Oriented Work for Domain Information Management: Project Experience and System Abstraction Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; R Müller; P Hupe; J W Schmidt
In: OES-SEO2001, International Workshop on Open Enterprise Solutions: Systems, Experiences, and Organizations, Rome, Italy, September 14-15
Dockets: A Model for Adding Value to Content Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; J W Schmidt
In Jacky Akoka, Mokrane Bouzeghoub, Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau, and Elisabeth Métais (editors): Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Paris, France, November 15-18, volume 1728 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 248-262. Springer-Verlag
On Indexing in Digital Libraries: Cooperation, Personalization, and Evolution Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring; C Niederée; U Steffens; F Matthes; J W Schmidt
Hamburg University of Science and Technology
Untersuchungen zu Kompaktifizierungsverfahren in der Code-Generierung Publikationen öffnen
H-W Sehring
Diploma thesis, University of Hamburg
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