International Engineering & Management

1st Co-op Plus Program for a B.Sc. degree in the USA!

Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Spirit

Discover the revolutionary Co-op Plus Program from Europe

In collaboration with the College of Charleston the German University of Applied Sciences NORDAKDEMIE (est. 1992) offers the 1st US Co-op Plus Program for International Engineering and Management.
“For three generations, the national aspiration to “college for all” shaped America’s economy and culture, as most high-school graduates took it for granted that they would earn a degree. That consensus is now collapsing in the face of massive student debt, underemployed degree-holders and political intolerance on campus. In the past decade, the percentage of Americans who expressed a lot of confidence in higher education fell from 57% to 36%, according to Gallup.”1
CofC Block C Treatment-MASTER_stacked-M
To solve this problem, the College of Charleston and NORDAKADEMIE are offering a new Co-op Plus Program in International Engineering and Management. 


Why now?

... because it is, what the market needs:


  • Shortage of skilled technical employees: Business is at risk due to lack of employees and high turn over​
  • Increasing local and foreign investments in South Carolina: German companies are currently investing more in the US than in Germany  ​

Students and their families​

  • Loss of faith in the value of traditional College education: massive student debt, underemployed degree-holders, confidence in higher education fell from 57% to 36% [1]​
  • No cost for students for their B.Sc. education

[1] The Wall Street Journal, Why Americans Have Lost Faith in the Value of College, Douglas Belkin, January 19, 2024​

Advantages of Co-op Plus

Work Performance from Day One
Cost Savings
Innovation Potential
Flexibility and Adaptability
Working and Studying Simultaneously
Reaching New Target Groups
Sustainability and Regional Development
Binding the Work Force
No costs for Students
Bar chart with statistics arrow

Kick start

Winning ribbon with the number 1

Top notch


No costs for students

Profile and Study Structure

2 + 3 Model

  • Main potential target group: 2 year college graduates with Associate Degree (i.e. Trident Tec, Greenville Tec etc.) or equivalent entry requirements​
    • Development of current Tec-Students in the companies​
    • Recruiting at Colleges​
  • 36 month of Co-op Plus program to achieve international B.Sc​
  • Math and psychology online test at NORDAKADEMIE -> reduction of drop rate (5 % in Germany)​
  • College of Charleston (CofC) supporting program with dedicated courses​
  • Selected students will start in sponsoring company in April 2025 and continue at CofC in August 2025​


2 +3 Co-op Plus program:





April 2025 in company with preparation and onboarding.

Courses start August 2025. 


36 months as standard period of study (3 years).


Bachelor of Science with a German and European accreditation, fully recognized in the US.


13 weeks/half-year in the company,
10 weeks/half-year at College of Charleston (Charleston, SC) / NORDAKADEMIE (Hamburg).

University entrance qualification

High school diploma in combination with a two year associate degree.


35 weeks courses in Charleston, SC and 20 weeks in Hamburg, Germany.

Tuition fee

$ 22,000 per year / $ 66,000 in total, excluding accommodation (housing, dining, parking, travel, etc.)​ paid by the company during the standard period of study. This fee includes all study courses in the US and Germany.

Proposed salary for sponsored student: $ 40k average per year (i.e. 35k in first year and 45k last year, company decision)​.

Non-financial support for resolving housing, dining, parking provided by Universities.

Engineering & Management (B.Sc.)

Co-op Plus Information

The program is designed according to the specifications of the “Qualifications Framework Engineering and Management” of the International Council of Academic Departments in Engineering and Management (FFBT WI e.V.) and the German Association for Engineering Management (VWI e.V.)

  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)  
  • Business, Law and other Social Sciences
  • Integrative Courses of engineering and management (not additive)  
  • Cultural and other soft skills and Foreign Languages


Content of the Co-op Plus program:



Get an overview of the contents of the semesters here:


Subject to change without notice. The current examination regulations apply.

Transfer project:

  • The Transfer-Project represents the essential link between business practice and theory. While the primary focus in other subject-specific modules is on the application and reflection of the learned theoretical material in practice (theory -> practice), the focus here is conversely on the classification and evaluation of practical experiences against the backdrop of theoretical models (practice -> theory).​
  • Students can freely choose the topic for their Transfer-Project. They are explicitly encouraged to write about a topic that is relevant to them and their company. There are no specific content requirements for these theory/practice transfer projects. Guidance is provided by the theory modules in each semester as well as the recommended topic areas in the framework plans for the practical part of the respective study programs.
  • Workload: 150 hours each.

Recent topics of Transfer-Projects in Germany

  • Analysis of quality management in production with regard to cost minimization using the example of the production of X-ray emitters.
  • ISO 9001 quality management certification - significance, effects, opportunities, costs
  • Analysis and optimization of operational processes for logging installations: Evaluation of efficiency, cost and quality improvement potentials against the background of the implementation of a software solution using BPMN modeling​
  • Risk and issue management in the supply chain using the example of a change of supplier​
  • Analysis of different fuelling options for an airport pit cleaning vehicle​
  • Analysis and selection of the most suitable agile project management method for the development of the Hospital Capacity Board ​
  • Analysis and optimization of inventory control using a Kanban system​
  • Component selection for a study on additive manufacturing in the automotive industry
  • Development of a concept for the prevention of accidents at work during the assembly of rudder blades using the example of an industrial accident that occurred​
  • Future Technologies in the Global Supply Chain: Evaluating the Integration of IoT, AI, and Blockchain​

Time Structure between College and Company

  • 36 months in total = 156 weeks
  • 138 weeks for Work & Study program: 83 weeks in company, 55 weeks at college
  • 18 weeks pure working, vacation

Types of Modules

  • 28 teaching courses: 14 from CofC, 14 from NORDAKADEMIE (10 in Germany, 3 at CofC, 1 Online)
  • 5 Transfer-Projects
  • 1 Bachelor-Thesis


In the dual Bachelor's program at NORDAKADEMIE, the students also acquire credits for the practical phases via transfer performances.

Transfer performances serve to document learned connections between theory and practice. Here the students can show that they can link the competencies acquired in the company with the contents taught in the theory phases, evaluate them on the basis of these and place them in an overall context within the course of study.

Internal Training Company Process

for mutual success right from the start

Procedure within the training company:  
  • During their time at the company, students pass through technical and commercial departments (such as sales, production or laboratory), gaining a broad product knowledge and a broad network. 
  • They are entrusted with small and large projects, which they have to manage independently. 
  • Examinations are completed in the form of theory/practice transfer exams. 


Departments, which are usually run through within the training company (exemplary): 


Trainee plan:  

Overview for all trainees/students in which departments they are assigned throughout the year. Holiday periods and university blocks are also entered.  

At the beginning of the practical part in the company, more technical departments should be scheduled if possible.  

Application Process: 
  1. Reservation of study places at NORDAKADEMIE  
  2. Online admission procedure NORDAKADEMIE  
    -> No application deadline, the current list of available study places can be viewed on the website
  3. Application at the company  
    -> NORDAKADEMIE test is a prerequisite for application
  4. Selection procedure at the company  
  5. Contract with the company and enrolment at NORDAKADEMIE 
Costs of Study Program:


  • Tuition fee: $ 22,000 per year ($ 66,000 in total, excluding accommodation (housing, dining, parking, travel, etc.)​
  • Proposed salary for sponsored student: $ 40k average per year (i.e. 35k in first year and 45k last year, company decision)​

Funding Support

  • ​Existing company scholarships​
  • Public funding: Job Credits, Palmetto, Ready SC, G.I. Bill, etc.​
  • Companies have to apply individually ​

Total investment per student and year: approx. $ 62,000​  

Trainee Allowance in the responsibility of the company (exemplary): 



What is a Co-op Plus program?
What are the admission requirements?
Do I have to study in Germany?
What are the benefits for the companies?
What ist the role of NORDAKADEMIE and College of Charleston?

Legal entity

"NORDAKADEMIE gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft"

NORDAKADEMIE University of Applied Sciences, Germany was founded as a non-profit organization by almost 50 companies, 30 years ago. Most of them are still shareholders. The same system is planned for the new business unit in South Carolina.  

  • Non-profit organization
  • Possibility to get shares
  • Strong link to Germany

Your direct


There are still some individual questions?

We will be happy to help you:


Anna Bänfer

Leitung Strat. HS-Projekte


Stefan Wiedmann
