
Engineering & Management

Optional focus in Industrial Engineering

Focus for technically oriented generalists


The 'Engineering & Management' specialization in the Industrial Engineering program at NORDAKADEMIE provides students with comprehensive, generalist knowledge at the interface between technology and business management. This focus aims to equip future professionals with an interdisciplinary understanding of technical and entrepreneurial challenges.

Industrial Engineering is a field of study that combines the scientific foundations of technical knowledge with business management expertise. It covers a broad spectrum of disciplines, including, but not limited to, production management, technology management, logistics, as well as marketing and finance with the goal of improving understanding of the efficient and effective development and control of technology-oriented business resources.

Engineering & Management is a specialization within Industrial Engineering that focuses on the development of technological knowledge along with generalist management skills. It prepares students to understand strategic decisions and manage complex technical and business processes, with the goal of becoming effective professionals in technology-oriented companies.

Students of this specialization thus learn advanced elements of engineering, electronics, and innovation development in a dynamic business environment.




Know how




Start of study

Usually on October 1 of the respective year

Duration of study

7 semesters regularly


Bachelor of Science in the chosen degree with focus in Engineering Management / total 210 ECTS credits


13 weeks per term at the partner company, 10 weeks per term at NORDAKADEMIE

Tuition fee

Paid by the partner company during the standard period of study

Engineering & Management

Information about the focus

Studying Engineering & Management – What does that mean?

Engineering & Management in Industrial Engineering combines technological expertise and business skills. Through specialized modules, students are prepared for participation in, and eventually leading, complex technical projects, understanding strategic decisions, and developing innovative solutions at the intersection of technology and management. The goal is to educate graduates who can tackle engineering challenges with a business-oriented approach to enhance technological progress and operational efficiency.

In the fourth semester by the subject Technical Mechanics 2: Kinematics and Kinetics, which deals with the movement of bodies and is central to understanding mechanical systems.

This is followed in the fifth semester, one of the core subjects, numerical methods, deepens the mathematical foundations essential for advanced technical applications, as many problems, such as optimization issues, can only be approximately solved with the help of computers.

In the sixth semester, Electronics is on the agenda, upon which a large part of current technological developments up to the digital transformation of society is based.

Finally, in the seventh semester, the focus is rounded off with a module in Technology and Innovation Management, which teaches students important skills for leading forward-looking projects and developing new technological solutions.

Overview of focus modules:

4th Sem.: Technical Mechanics 2: Kinematics and Kinetics

5th Sem.: Numerical Methods

6th Sem.: Electronics including lab events

7th Sem.: Technology and Innovation Management

Graduates who have chosen Engineering & Management as their focus for their studies open up diverse career paths in a wide range of technical industries and management areas.

They can take on crucial positions in technical project management and strategic management or participate in the development of innovative technologies.

Opportunities also arise in management consulting with a focus on technical solutions, where both analytical and strategic skills are in demand.

This highlights the broad array of possibilities that a focus in Engineering & Management holds for professional futures.

Students specializing in "Engineering & Management" acquire the ability to understand and master technical and business challenges in companies. They learn to penetrate and co-design technical processes and projects, taking into account essential management principles, to comprehend strategic decisions with a technical understanding and to implement these decisions into operational actions.

Furthermore, they gain knowledge in analyzing and optimizing production processes and in developing technology-based business strategies to adapt companies to changing market conditions and to secure technological advantages. They deal with planning and implementing technical projects that promote long-term corporate development.

Students will also be able to use technical data analysis and develop a deep understanding of the link between technological innovations and financial aspects of management.

A special focus is placed on developing expertise in all areas of Engineering & Management to prepare students for success in various technical and management roles. They engage with current trends such as Industry 4.0, digital transformation, sustainability, and project management.

Through the specialization in Engineering & Management, students acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills that enable them to work as professionals in technically oriented sectors and to lead technical projects strategically and operationally with success.

Ideally, you should bring the following:

  • Technical and strategic analysis competence
  • Effective communication
  • Customer orientation
  • Curiosity about innovation
  • Strategic thinking

dual bachelor's degree program

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Anette Rostock

Schülermarketing & Vertrieb