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International Business

Optional focus in Business Administration or Industrial Engineering

The focus for all business activities across national borders


Business Administration students specializing in “International Business” learn key skills essential for supporting companies in global expansion and cooperation at both strategic and operational levels.

In our globalized world, understanding international business processes is indispensable for forward-thinking companies. Globalization intensifies international competition, requiring a comprehensive strategy for market expansion and cultural integration. The shortage of skilled professionals forces global talent acquisition to maintain competitiveness.

Efficient supply chain planning and intercultural communication skills are also critical for success in the international business environment. Students focusing on this area significantly contribute to the success of globally operating companies.

Industrial Engineering students focusing on “International Business” develop indispensable skills to master technical and business administration challenges in internationally operating companies.

Global networking and international competition, driven by globalization, require an integrated perspective on expansion and market penetration, considering cultural and operational diversity. The challenges of globally recruiting talents and ensuring supply chain integrity demand technically savvy strategists trained in both management and technology.

Industrial engineers play a key role in designing sustainable strategies for international business models by combining technical knowledge with business acumen. Their competence in intercultural communication and ethical business practices makes them indispensable actors in the international business landscape.








Start of study

Usually on October 1 of the respective year

Duration of study

7 semesters regularly


Bachelor of Science in the chosen degree with focus in International Business / total 210 ECTS credits


13 weeks per term at the partner company, 10 weeks per term at NORDAKADEMIE

Tuition fee

Paid by the partner company during the standard period of study

International Business

Information about the focus

Studying International Business – What does that mean?

International Business refers to all business activities across national borders, aiming to create new growth opportunities and competitive advantages by expanding into global markets.

In the fourth semester, students focus on International Relations, a subject that introduces them to the complex global interconnections and the roles of different actors on the world stage.

The fifth semester involves a focused engagement with International Marketing & Sales Management. Here, students learn how to successfully position and market products and services in international markets, considering cultural nuances in the sales process.

The sixth semester offers different focuses depending on the degree program: For business administration students, Selected Aspects of International Business are in focus, providing a deep understanding of global business strategies. Engineering management students enhance their skills in Intercultural Communication, highlighting the importance of culture and language in the realization of challenging technical projects on an international level and sharpening their communication skills for the success of such collaborations.

The seventh and final semester rounds off the focus with the important topic of International Trade & Global Logistics. This module addresses the challenges and solutions for cross-border goods movement and underscores the importance of an efficient logistical chain for global trade.

Overview of focus modules:

4th Sem.: International Relations

5th Sem.: International Marketing & Sales Management

6th Sem.:

Business Administration: Selected Aspects of Intl. Business

Engineering Management: Intercultural Communication

7th Sem.: International Trade & Global Logistics

Graduates who have chosen the focus on International Business during their studies have various career paths open in the globally connected economy.

They are exceptionally suited for challenging roles in areas such as Global Procurement, where they are responsible for international purchasing, or in International Sales & Marketing, to successfully market products and services worldwide.

Especially in technology-oriented sectors like high-tech production, the consumer goods industry, and technical consulting services, there is a high demand for professionals who can combine technical understanding with international business skills.

As a student, focusing on International Business grants you the following key competencies:

  • Understanding of global business activities and the ability to identify growth opportunities and competitive advantages in international markets.

  • Knowledge of international relations, global interconnections, and the role of different actors on the world stage.

  • A deep understanding of global business strategies for business administration students.

  • Improved communication skills and knowledge in intercultural communication for engineering management students, essential for successful international collaborations.

  • Insights into the challenges and solutions of international manufacturing, trade, and global logistics, including the importance of an efficient supply chain.

What you ideally bring to the table:

  • Interest in a diverse work environment

  • Enjoyment of communicating in English

  • Openness, curiosity, and a broad perspective

dual bachelor's degree program

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Anette Rostock

Schülermarketing & Vertrieb