Department of Engineering
Technical programs
with a high success rate
As a university founded directly by the business community, NORDAKADMIE knows the technical challenges of the future and offers ambitious students the right tools for a promising career. Closely interlinked with the departments of Computer Science and Economics, the Department of Engineering at NORDAKADMIE opens up interdisciplinary perspectives and thus ensures a qualification that extends beyond the standard. Because the digital transformation also requires technology that transforms this world.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiedmann
Since the establishment of NORDAKADEMIE, our Department of Engineering has been a supporting pillar for the university and for the next generation of specialists in (Northern) Germany!
At NORDAKADEMIE, excellent learning and research conditions are top priority. For example, new buildings have been constructed for the Department of Engineering on the Sustainability Campus, which offer spacious learning rooms and plenty of room for various laboratories.
Our aspiring industrial engineers can experience, develop and test technical innovations for Industry 4.0 on our campus. The laboratory exercises are closely coordinated with the classes and serve to illustrate theoretical relationships in a practical manner. Of course, our classrooms are also equipped with the latest technology.
The laboratories of the NORDAKADEMIE are also available to our students outside of the lecture times by arrangement. Students in all departments can use the computer and small group rooms on campus 24 hours a day as needed.
NORDAKADEMIE is aware of the technical qualifications that are required in business today and tomorrow - and has the right courses of study in its program:
- Dual Bachelor's degree program "Industrial Engineering (B.Sc.)"
- Part-time Master's degree program "Industrial Engineering (M.Sc.)"
Please note that a C1 level in German is required to study at NORDAKADEMIE, as the language of instruction is German.
Whether dual Bachelor's degree or part-time Master's degree: The degree programs at NORDAKADEMIE are the perfect basis for a career in the technical field.
Industrial Engineers have a broad range of qualifications from mechanical engineering to electronics and electrical engineering to IT - combined with in-depth commercial expertise. This enables them to be in demand as specialists and managers in all production companies and industrial enterprises.
In cooperation with companies and other universities, and with the partial involvement of students, the team at NORDAKADEMIE works on various key research areas. Our projects include
Since August 1, 2021, NORDAKADEMIE has been working with three partner universities on the joint research project „CrossLab – Flexibel kombinierbare Cross-Reality Labore in der Hochschullehre: zukunftsfähige Kompetenzentwicklung für ein Lernen und Arbeiten 4.0“.
Please note that you will be redirected to our German website.
Study programs
dual and part-time
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering
The team
of the engineering department
May we introduce: Our experienced NORDAKADMIE professors and lecturers
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